
Saturday 3 December 2011

silent is the best word

aku takut, stress dan tak nak diperbodohkan lagi. susah kalau jadi 'yes man' ni =.=|
harap apa apa yang buruk tak berlaku. amin...

Wednesday 9 November 2011

i'm wondering why???

Hello readers. it's been so long since the last time i updated this blog. huwarghhh. so freaking busy with law school life.*sigh* last week only we had 4 tests in a week!-.-

Regarding what am i going to blog today is HE called me! suddenly. unpredictable. AND unbelievable. why???only he has the answer to that question. and i'm kept on wondering whyyyyyy and that was what made me puzzled for the past few days......

P/S : now is the mid semester break and i was soooo busy doing NOTHING and not STUDY. =.=

Okay. till the next post. bubbye! 

Thursday 6 October 2011

life as a UM student :]

Assalamualaikum. hai semua ! tiba tiba baru tersedar yang aku lama sangat dah tak update blog ni. haha. bukan tak nak menulis, tapi masa tidak mengizinkan dan mungkin aku malas sebenarnya. haha

Okay. dah genap sebulan aku bergelar pelajar Universiti Malaya. dan kini I'm still adapting with my life. still. and truthfully-speaking, I miss my foundation life in UiTM Shah Alam and also my best friends there. sangat. tapi itu semua dah berlalu, aku mempunyai hidup yang baru sekarang.

Masa mula mula datang sini, aku agak terkejut dan stress dengan 2 minggu orientasi aku kat sini. seminggu orientasi kat kolej, seminggu orientasi kat fakulti. tapi jika ditanya mana satu yang lebih stress, aku akan kata orientasi kat fac lebih memenatkan dan menguji kekuatan semangat dan mental aku secara peribadi. bayangkan jadual program orientasi yang packed ditambah perlu menghadiri kuliah pada masa yang sama benar2 menguji diri. kalau nak tau lebih lanjut, I will tell you what actually happened but I'm sorry I can't blog about it here.

Then, here it goes,  my life as a UM law student started. it's not that easy like others will see and think. it's quite tough here. no wonder lah masa orientasi, kalau aku cakap aku ambil law course, rata rata response yang diberi ialah 'wahhhhh' dan buat muka macam kagum sangat la kan. bagi aku, what's wrong with them? now the answer is in me now.

Antara perkara yang aku nak bagitau kat sini ialah :

- Kat sini jadual tutorial kene register sendiri. ikut jadual masing masing. dah la berebut-rebut masa nak register which I really hate this kind of system. dah tu, kalau kelas tutorial kau clash dengan kelas yang lain, kau kene pandai pandai cari orang yang nak tuka dengan kau and bagitau dekat tutor tersebut. agak leceh di situ -.-

- Before masuk lecture, kene baca apa topic yang akan dibincangkan. seriously, kalau tak buat background reading, memang akan totally lost during lecture. it's true that I had learned most of the topics in asasi back then, tapi the way lecturer sampaikan lain dan kehendak dia lain. totally different from asasi.(kantoi dulu tak buat background reading before lecture. haha)

- Aku perlu membiasakan diri membaca kes-kes yang diberi. the problem is bukan tak nak baca, but I can't really understand what the judge meant in that particular case. bukan senang nak memahami pemikiran judge ni. panjang case jangan cakap la, ada sampai 20 something pages >.<

- Believe me or not, almost everyday I go to the library. haha. dulu aku paling malas nak 'bertapa' kat library tau. sekarang, dah tak boleh malas malas, kalau tak rajin, siapa nak carikkan cases untuk aku? nasib baik library tu sekangkang kera je.

- Seronok jumpa kawan kawan baru kat sini. harap korang pun suka kawan dengan aku. I wish that my friends here will be together with me through thick and thin as i know it's not easy to survive in this law school.

- Room mate baru ok. alhamdullilah. still getting to know each other. tapi aku rindu room mates lama jugak! especially syara, qida and fira :'(

- Kolej 12 best ! the newest, the highest and the biggest college in UM :)

P/S : sangat berharap Allah akan permudahkan segala urusan pembelajaran dan hidup aku kat sini.
        berhenti berharap pada orang itu, hope you live your life well, same goes as me too.

Thanks for reading. anneyong!

Friday 19 August 2011

say welcome to happy day !

Assalamualaikum. anneyonghaesayo. salam Ramadan yang hanya tinggal 9 hari lagi je untuk kita berpuasa :)

Alhamdullilah. all thanks to Allah. i'm really happy right now and hope it will be continuous ! :)

Allah knows the best for all of us. kalau ada, ada la. kalau takde, takpe. just be grateful and thankful with what you have ! :D

P/s : be friend is much much much more better than in a relationship. why is it so? take for example : A broke up with B after they had been in a relationship before. do you think A and B can be friends right after what they had been through ?

Thanks for reading. anneyong !

Tuesday 16 August 2011


Assalamualaikum. anneyonghaesayo. salam Ramadhan :)

"Pedih yang melanda menikam di jiwa
Sehingga diriku tanpa hala tuju
Tersentap di dada, tiada terdaya
Jika diri ini, hanyalah niskala bagimu"

Empat baris lirik kat atas ni petikan lagu Azri AF9 : Niskala. tak kenal Azri? O.O go study television kalau tak tau. haha. okay. actually niskala bermaksud sesuatu yang abstrak atau lebih tepat tidak wujud. so maksud lagu ni, kehadiran lelaki tersebut seolah-olah tidak wujud di dalam hidup gadis itu sedangkan mereka pernah ditakdirkan bersama suatu waktu dahulu. tapi sekarang? N.I.S.K.A.L.A.

One thing for sure, it's really hurt and painful if when we are meant to be into that kind of situation. isn't it ?

I'm listening to this song repeatedly now. i don't know why. as if i was in that 'position'
*not sure :s

P/S : when we are facing a time that we called a hard time, friends will always stay besides us, no matter how our situation or problem is. but love will come and go. it won't stay forever except if it's a true love. that's what friends are for. i love my friends. thanks for your concerns. really appreciate it ! :) kamsahamida ! :')
syara, bani, su, roza :)

Sunday 14 August 2011

no title

Assalamualaikum. hi everyone.

Why is it so hard and difficult to forget someone that once we had fell for?-.-
I don't know why. why do you keep appearing into my life when I'm on the brink to let you go from my life? my friends said that I should move on and try to forget the past. but I can't. *sigh*

I admit that I had those feeling towards you. maybe it was in the past. but now? am not sure about it. because you keep on 'main tarik tali' with me and not so serious. and at the same time, I think you have another girl besides you now. I seriously don't mind if you are dating with her or whatsoever but why must you approached and looked for me again and again. you know what? everytime you did that, I feel really happy as if dalam hati ada taman and it does give me some hopes. poor fara, you shouldn't hoping anything tough :(. but, when I think about your 'relationship' with that girl, it pissed me off. sakit hati. even I'm not so sure if you're really dating that girl. my instinct says the answer is yes. okay dear friends, I realized how stupid I am. =.=

Why on this Earth that girl has the same name as mine? F.A.R.A.H.?*sound of window glass broken into pieces*
Kalau nak A, A je la. B,C,D dan lain-lain bole buang jauh2 atau buat tak tahu je.

P/S : I know I shouldn't blogged about this. and shouldn't had that kind of feeling. tapi apakan daya, aku juga manusia biasa. okay. thanks for reading. I'm off to bed now. anneyong !

Wednesday 10 August 2011


Assalamualaikum. anneyonghaesayo. salam ramadhan everyone ! :) 

Masuk hari ni, dah genap sepuluh hari kita semua berpuasa. masa sememangnya berlalu dengan pantas kan. ouhh. I really hope that time passing by really slowly as I don't get ready yet to continue my studies. erghhh >.<

Okay. hari ni nak share benda yang menarik sikit kat korang. tengah2 syok beli juadah untuk berbuka puasa tu, I found that this one stall sold durian goreng? eh yeke? pernah jumpa tak? ice-cream goreng pernah lah jumpa kan. tak pun kalau cakap pasal durian, kita sinonim la dengan bubur durian ke tempoyak ke. rakyat Malaysia sememangnya kreatif uollls ! haha

korang mesti suka makan durian kan? :)

Hmm. ni la rupa durian goreng yang aku beli tu. beli sikit je, nak rasa dulu :P

Rasa durian goreng ni sedap jugak la. rangup di luar, cair di dalam. macam ala2 rasa donut Big Apple perisa durian gitu. tapi donut tu bukan pakai durian original kan. ni durian original. kalau korang nak rasa, cari lah di sekitar bazar Ramadhan yang terdekat. kalau takde, try la buat sendiri. hehehe :P

P/S : kenapa aku tak bole tidur lagi ni ? and I think I was doing my assignment tonight =.= ( tak faham? kalau nak tau, tanya aku personally okay. can't tell about it here)

Okay. thanks. bye. anneyong !